Sunday, November 4, 2012

Carnival of Nuclear Bloggers 129 and a Poem

The 129th Carnival of Nuclear Energy is up at Next Big Future. It includes posts from me and ANS Nuclear Cafe on Nuclear Plants and Hurricane Sandy, Hiroshima Syndrome blog on the effects of Fukushima on seawater, NewsOK blog on how Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) works, and Next Big Future on new reactor types, new reactor builds, and uranium production.

A great Carnival, and worth a visit.

While I am suggesting visits to great blogs, let me give a hat tip to Mary Gerdt's blog Travelogue for the Universe.  Marty Gerdt wrote a short poem about one of my Vermont Yankee blog posts.  Then Joffan wrote a limerick as a comment on her post.  A terrific exchange.  And readers, you can visit Travelogue and add to the exchange.

  Thank you so much, Mary!  And Joffan, too!