Thursday, October 25, 2012

Attend the PSB Hearing, and the Docket is Now On the PSB Website

The Missing Docket is Now Available

Vermont Yankee requires a  Certificate of Public Good from the Public Service Board (PSB) in Vermont. The PSB had opened dockets and held hearings for years about the certificate.  I attended some of the hearings, and nuclear safety was a major topic, especially after the tritium leak.

When the federal court ruled in January that nuclear safety was regulated at the national level, the Public Service Board realized that the early dockets were tainted with inappropriate material.  It opened a new docket.

However, the new docket (docket 7862) did not appear on the PSB website.  I blogged about this in August, in the post Docket 7862 Where Are You?

As the date of the public PSB hearing approached, I became more concerned about the lack of  available docket materials.  I needn't have worried.  The docket is now on the PSB website. It includes the schedule and the documents for review. Here's the main website for Docket 7862 at the Public Service Board: Vermont Yankee Relicensing--Amended Petition. 

Attend the Hearing

Please try to attend the hearing on Wednesday November 7 at 7 p.m. at Vernon School.

This is the only public, in-person hearing that the PSB will hold for this docket.  It will be held in Vernon, Vermont.  More information about the hearing is at my post: Save the Date: November 7 for Crucial Meeting about Vermont Yankee.

Meanwhile, the opponents are also mobilizing for this hearing.  The Sage Alliance is holding a dinner and setting up phone banks to get people to the meeting.  I don't find this particularly discouraging.  The opponents have had a quasi-military system in place for quite a while.  They have "affinity groups." They require a person to belong to an "affinity group" if the person wants to be arrested. They prepare for "actions." They have training and trainers.

That's just what they do.

What we have to do is simple: Show Up, and be willing to Speak Truth To Power.

Let's do it!

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